Shit that is caught on ones anal pubic hair. May be moist or rock hard and has to be removed through tidious picking.
person #1...I pooped my pants!
person #2...Oh no, if you dont clean that poop out you will have alot of DINGLE BERRIES
by Theo M. January 21, 2006
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when doody is not effectively wiped clean from ones butt it dries and cakes on to anus cilia, sometimes causing mild to extreme discomfort i.e. when yanked or singed with a flame...etc
messing with ones dingles will cause one to have a bad case of after doo blues!:0(
by jingle bitty August 6, 2003
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Poop, toilet paper and lint rolled up into tiny balls that get stuck to the fuzz of your anal treasure hole! Also known as Fuzz Nuggets!

When making number 2, sometimes the toilet paper can get stuck to the rim of your hole. Then, while pulling up your pants, lint adds itself to the collection. Later, while in the shower, you reach down, only to find a wad of toilet paper, lint and poop all rolled up in a tiny little ball or balls creating what is known as the Dingle berry {Ding-Ol-Bear-Re}.
by Umkay November 7, 2007
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