Someone who studies and specializes in the male organ.
A doctor that checks up on the testicles and has to look at someone's dick for eg diseases (STD's), or misshapes.

A plastic surgeon that specializes in operations to the male organ.
"Man, I had sex with this woman, and now I start to have a rash on my penis."

"Visit the Dickologist".

"My penis is too small; I can't pleasure my wife"
"I heard the dickologist at 49th street can lengthen it with a small surgery".
by Fukaface! December 15, 2010
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One who knows and understands the dick and is able to treat the dick EXACTLY as it desires to be treated.

One who gives good/great/amazing head.

The mistress of blowjobs!
Art: So, how's the head?
Sam: That bitch is a dickologist!
by n2funsd February 3, 2010
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