Doing Daily Listings for God

An act in which you make a list of people who you think will go to heaven or hell on a daily basis.

Meaning if you see someone doing something good, you go up to them, ask them their name, and write their name down in front of them. The same goes for people doing bad things, like a person who cuts in line, or puts too much ketchup on their fries. If it pleases you, you can tell them they're going to hell, or heaven for their deed.
Friend: "Hey, wanna get into some DDLG?"
You: "Sure, I'm down to take names"
by It's Jordin!! February 3, 2022
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That’s a DDLG over there!

Wow, he’s so dang diddly large!
by Phuscus April 12, 2018
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“I just got DDLG. It’s the sequel to DDLC.”
by Highlighterjelly November 16, 2018
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The short abbreviation for Daddy Dom x Little Girl.

One of many forms of BDSM.

Other varients of the kink are :
MDLB (Mommy Dom x Little Boy)
MDLG (Mommy Dom x Little Girl)
And DDLB (Daddy Dom x Little Boy)

Due to the nature of the kink, it can be viewed as Pedophilia or Incestial role play to some; if nor everyone that isn't into the kink.

In extreme ddlg relatonships, adult diapers, baby bottles, baby toys, blankets and stuffed plush toys, commonly teddy bears.

If you bring such a thing up to people who are into this kink, on websites like iFunny, Tumblr, or Twitter, you'll basically be blocked by them, and called a Hater or an Anti, and they will also bring up the "I'd you don't like it, Ignore it." Argument.

This can also upset victims of sexual abuse as a child, and those that actually need adult sized diapers.
"After learning about ddlg, I cringe at the words Daddy and Mommy, and after coming across a couple Tumblr posts and such, I start to worry that these people might actually be role playing a Pedophilia like relationship..."
by Rahksha On The Internet September 1, 2017
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"DDLG is a mental illness."
by Ravboi January 21, 2021
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"Damn Daddy Look Good". Used when seeing a male that is sexy as hell. A way of telling your friends how good a guy looks without him knowing.
Girl 1: Did you see him? DDLG!!!!!!!

Girl 2: Girl i peeped that way before you did. Hes sexy as shit.
by princeszjasmine February 11, 2010
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Pedophila/attraction to children that cannot give consent to sexaul relationships
Tumblr is full of pedophilas, they all like ddlg
by 1000suns March 6, 2018
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