Sometimes an asshole who will bullcrap you a lot but is an all around nice guy.
"Woah there goes Daetin again, he says he shot someone"
"Yeah that's normal Daetin behavior"
by LilacTheRat November 13, 2020
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A strong and powerful man that is smart but like to act dumb and loves to fight.
Person 1 : That guy daetin is strong as fuck and he even wanted to fight someone bigger than him.
Person 2: Did you know that daetin is actually smart he just likes to act domb
by User bj March 19, 2023
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Strong and powerful man,smart but like to act dumb and loves to fight.
Person 1: That guy daetin is strong as fuck he wanted to fight someone bigger than him.
Person 2: YOU know daetin is actually smart he just act dumb
by User bj March 19, 2023
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