Synonmous for "A ninja," indicates stealth, daring, bravery and honor.

Word origins unknown.
"Oh, man. My parents are asleep - we've got to make like Cunha and be real quiet..."
by Anonymous One December 6, 2005
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Synonmous for "Ninja," indicates stealth, daring, bravery and honor.

Word originates from the famous Counter-Strike Ninja.
"Oh shit, that dude snuck up behind him like Cunha and fucking knifed him in the head!"
by Anonymous October 4, 2003
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The most remote inhabited island on earth, with a population of about 200. There is literally, and I mean literally, nothing to do there. It is a volcanic island that could literally erupt an any moment and nobody would care.
Guy: hey man have you heard of Tristan da Cunha?
Other guy: What's a "Tristan da Cunha"?
by SolaniTuberose December 2, 2016
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A guy which plays league of legends that has the name of cris rafa. He is boosted
by tasebem3 April 3, 2020
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