An incredibly useful and adorable mob, which would have had unique interactions with the game as well as being useful for redstoners and builders.
by Le potat October 21, 2021
A mob that Mojang may add in the future, just like the iceologer. With it will come copper buttons and statues when they freeze up from oxidation. Mojang will press buttons randomly, but I hope that they will activate redstone when mobs are near. This will be great for automatic base defense systems.
by udontknowmeidontknowu November 2, 2021
One of the saltiest being on earth, they are so salty about the Allay winning the 2021 Minecraft Mob Vote and blaming large creators for influencing the Votes
Dude Im so mad bout the Allay winning, this is all Dream's fault
Stop being a Copper Golem Voter and also no one rigged the votes
Stop being a Copper Golem Voter and also no one rigged the votes
by CircleGlowSquid November 16, 2021