A fun game in which you have a group of men from largest to smallest sit on each others lap having their erect penis inserted into the next gentleman's rectum with the largest person being on the bottom so that he acts like the base of a tree. From there the next largest gentleman would sit on the lap of the "base" with the base's erect penis in the rectum of the next largest so that he is locked in place. This act will continue until the smallest person climbs to the top like the star on a Christmas tree.
Hey guys I have a great idea! Let's do some cockstacking and see how high we get!
by Surfnpuff August 25, 2011
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One who stacks cocks, for the purposes of enjoying them one after the other.
"Do you know Ian?" "Yeah. The guy's a total cockstacker."
by B Sinclair February 5, 2007
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