you snort a line and then slap your sex partner in the face with your dick in a surprising manner
Girl 1: hey what happened to your face?

Girl 2: my boyfriend surprisingly slapped me in the face with his dick, right after he snorted a line of cocaine.

Girl 1: oh, thats awesome.

Girl 2: no, its a cocaine dick smack.
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A formative word pulled from slang from the 90's, indicates a popular male penis among females, known by uhhhmmmm you could say word of mouth 👄😺👄😺👄😺
Stones in my shoe, walking all day, wondering why my life sometimes feels this way.

Little white lines gonna pave on blacktop tar.

Cocaine dick. Cocaine dick. Guys got a hemi powered cocaine dick, fast and tall, top at the's got that cocaine dick. Cocaine dick. Cocaine dick.

A song. Called "cocaine dick"
Record Label. No comment.
By musician.

Stage name: Mr. Real.
Of the group:
1st Amendment

copywrite: 3/19/2022

Their second best selling song.

"I stand witness to...'
The record label. Revelations.
By the group. Doctor John and the Boys.

It's about a well hung notorious womanizer who is known most places by females who like to get down and boogie.

by DeSexbot March 5, 2022
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