A person with low self confidence that does not fair well in social situations. Someone who is perceived as soft, that won't stick up for themselves. Often easily intimidated and cowed into submission when met with direct conflict. A bitch or pussy.

An idiom that refers to the person in question as a type of "Chicken Nugget" to be devoured effortlessly by hungry, more dominant members of the social order.
Peter is a straight A student, but he often gets violently attacked and shoved into lockers by the football team because he is a chicken nugget scoon who won't do shit.
by Cartesian Dualism January 15, 2018
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Someone who is book smart, but not necessarily street smart. Since they're rewarded for being bool smart, they start to believe that they are untouchable, but they'll more often than not get bullied because of a lack of self confidence in social situations to stick up for themselves. The only defense mechanism they know is to pretend like they don't care or that what they do to them doesn't hurt.
Duncan was being such a Chicken Nugget Scoon yesterday. They shoved him into his locker and all he could do was laugh because he didn't know what to do.
by master0meme658 October 5, 2020
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