Any gross hispanic male that whistles and hollers at anything with two legs a vagina and makes you feel so dirty and disgusted you need to go home and shower for three days straight.
"Today a bunch of chents were leering at me so I went home and showered."
by Striddle April 5, 2005
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Slang for being famous, but with a hint of irony.
Wow, you made the cover of the national newspaper, I didn't know you where so chent.
by ChentSaus July 14, 2023
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a person who makes promises then bails on teh bong hit cuz he's sleepy or has to walk the dog.
Man, don't be a Chente, hit that shit.
by Jugador March 30, 2004
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A person of Hispanic descent that is dark skinned, hollers all the time, and walks around thinking he is "The Shit".

CHENTS ARE MADE IN; El Salvador, Mexico, Nicaragua, Honduras, Panama, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Peru

those chents wont shut-up!!
by Pink Panther69 March 27, 2009
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The white trash version of a hispanic person. Usually El Salvaodorian or Honduran. Can be seen hanging out in front of a store for days at a time or seen at any Construction site. They have been known to drive civics and carollas fron 1987 and rudley holla at females in classes ways.
-I need to find some workers that to help build that addition so ill roll down to the southside and pick up some chents.
-Some chents just tried to holla at your girl. it was hilarious.
by DRewSaysThis April 16, 2006
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A dirty hispanic person, usually a middle school term. Usually smells like fish when not covered in 27 (or more) layers of axe. Puddle in plural. A puddle of chents.
That dirty chent stole my dorritos and shared it with his puddle!
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Sum1 of Hispanic origin Usual from El Salvador or Honduras.
dey de guyZ that Holla and whistle at anything w/ titieZ and Booty
Ladies Ya'll No what im talking bout
Usually an insult
u see dem chents leering at us?
by SexShi MAmi April 3, 2004
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