One who kisses ass to get noticed or ahead of his coworkers. AKA: a total suckass
damn, that truax is a buttshark!
by Wonderwoman September 2, 2004
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Buttshark - Person that love to kiss the bosses Ass.
Man can did you see Bob with the new boss, he's such a Buttshark!
by Bubbacheese October 10, 2005
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When you leave your computer account (usually at work) unlocked, someone finds it and they send emails out (usually to a large amount of people) pretending to be you but saying ridiculous or embarrassing things.

A really good buttshark is one that people can't tell if the person actually sent it or if they got buttsharked. Another variation is to email one person, usually that person's mortal enemy, and apologize for everything and ask them out for beers but BCC everyone else.
by Animaldrummer04 April 21, 2011
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A non-geostatonary terrestrial satellite, man-made for the purpose of surveillance. The constant stream of images must be filtered constantly, leading this commentator to suggest that they actually do not actually feed upon the upturned buttocks by night. See *remoras*
*Yawn* Night love... *rearranges pillows and turns over* Hope the buttshark does not get me. x
by Haricovert November 15, 2020
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