Is a name for a person that is half asian and half black. Also known as Blasian or Blackie Chan.
Guy: HI, are you asian or black?
AWESOME DUDE: No, im black and asian.
Guy: So you Burned Rice?
by Vuietnam November 24, 2010
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an asian dude's dick that got stuck in a fire. usually deformed.
Guy: Man, have you seen a picture of that guys burned rice?
Guy 2: I don't know why he would send that to that girl, burned rice isn't good for anybody, dude.
by lukesucks October 25, 2015
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when youre sitting in a japanese car doing 100 at 4am looking for a diner or white castle
dude its almost 4 lets burn rice all the way there
by cold-lampin March 29, 2005
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Man 1: "Hey man, do you want to burn the rice?"
Man 2: "No."
Man 1: "Good answer."
by capitalman2 March 30, 2008
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A term used in Viet Nam to define a Viet Namese person. Derogatory term for any East Asian
" Look at all them rice burning motherfuckers coming out of the treeline!"
by Sulinai May 1, 2007
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A burn so offensive to Asians that it is freezing cold, yet hot enough to singe the rice they collected from the paddy that day. See also: ice burn.
Asian: Hey man do you have any ramen?
Human: No, you are Asian.
by DUk369 January 25, 2012
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Translation from Spanish idiom. When someone’s pants or underwear goes inside letting their cheeks’ shape visible.
a:yo! Her rice burning bad
b: yeah we should tell her to fix her jeans.
by ToTypeMyWhat July 6, 2019
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