breed me

when a Girl says “breed me” she means she wants you to fuck her til’ she cant walk ( and wants you to load her with yo kids) 🐺🐺 but she a keeper so marry her u fat fuck
I want Ryan to breed me. He’s sexy, funny, AND smart.
by ursexygf July 12, 2021
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breed me

To have unsafe anal intercourse between men, as in barebacking. The breed is associated with pumping an ass full of cum, as when a man does the same in vaginal intercourse. Often associated with anonymous sex during internet hookups.
As seen on craigslist "men seeking men" personals:

"Breed me, pump and dump, drop a load."
by SYA June 28, 2006
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Breed With Me Ladies

Breed With Me Ladies
Breed With Me Ladies
by BreedWithMeLadies July 16, 2017
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