by The Wig Splitta' December 31, 2005
Let's roll out boy boy...
by Killa Cam February 12, 2004
by Fen-Fen June 15, 2009
by whatdafuhk June 6, 2007
by Shaggyg April 9, 2015
Sike nigga, its a prank. I gotchu this time boof boy/boi.
Is that fake gucci? You lookin like a boof boy/boi dead ass.
Is that fake gucci? You lookin like a boof boy/boi dead ass.
by niggahlishous September 6, 2017
When a man wants to get a ladys attention, he yells this, thinking he is playa. When in reality, he sounds like a man yelling at a little child who he is about to rape, which would cause the mother figure to be on alert. This causes everyone trouble. Therefore, never say it because you will sound like an ignorant fool.
by Catherine-n-Brian January 3, 2003