A Bobin in a special breed of aliens residing from Area 51 they typically take the form of an Italian kid with a father called Tommy. They get their energy from happy meals and enjoy getting scared of tropical storms.
by ItsLilChink August 31, 2019
by blue-flyer February 22, 2009
A kind man, and the greatest player of the mod NTW3 for Napoleon Total War, Bobine was benevolent but ruthless when challenged.
Called the reincarnation of Erwin Rommel by many, he was feared by the entire community until he finally ascended one day, having achieved over 150 victories in a row.
His many catch phrases include:
"i disn't"
"it disnt me i hve proof photo"
Called the reincarnation of Erwin Rommel by many, he was feared by the entire community until he finally ascended one day, having achieved over 150 victories in a row.
His many catch phrases include:
"i disn't"
"it disnt me i hve proof photo"
by ColonelPhilip December 18, 2019
A person that gives sexual acts to a wildlife creature. Often Frogs or gay men. These people are usually outcasts for that particullar reason.
i know a Bobinator
by Mercedes B.M.W October 2, 2008
A bobinator is a person who is of the gay community finding those who are homophobic in a terminator style and destroying them with his GSM (Gay Stunner mechanism). The original being that of Bobby Jarvis!
by Gazzatron October 2, 2008
A bobin is an aging English lothario who socialises with younger friends to remind himself of his better days. He often gets jealous of his younger companions and sometimes retaliates against their youth and good looks by destroying something valuable belonging to them.
I was out drinking with my friends, but then this total bobin, who i don't even really know, attached himself to the crew.
by englishbob2010 August 17, 2010
by Cloaker September 17, 2021