A contraction of the words "black" and "actor," signifying an actor of African-American descent.
Morgan Freeman is one of the best-used blactors we have in Hollywood.
by de Vries master December 30, 2005
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noun -- an actor of african-american descent who is placed, often un-fittingly, into a predominantly white movie or television show so that other african-americans cannot argue said movie or show is racist.
Tyrone -- Man this cracker show is racist...all the main characters are white!!

Greg -- No its not. Look, the cashier is black.

Tyrone -- Dude's just a blactor!
by viennatime July 21, 2010
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A black actor who was once known as a good artist, whether it be a good comedian, musician, or movie actor, that has now become recognized as a talentless hack who keeps regurgitating shitty movies. Eddie Murphy, Martin Lawrence, and Ice Cube would all be categorized as blactors.
"Eddie Murphy is the worst blactor I've ever seen!"

"Remember when Martin Lawrence made decent movies? Now he's just a no talent blactor."
by DirtySyko July 20, 2008
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