Being sexually attracted to two genders. Most common definitions include the attraction to men and women, but, depending on the person, the definition may vary slightly.
by BestKindOfMess May 25, 2015
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I’m bisexual and this is how I feel all the time...
by Autumn_22 October 23, 2020
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Layla: Stacy looks so hot,I would do date her
Steve: I thought you were straight
Layla: I’m bi (bisexual)
by The bhadi❣️ September 14, 2020
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A person who is sexually attracted to two genders.
He is bisexual.He feels sexual attraction to women and non binary people.
by maddix September 4, 2021
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When you don't mind fucking a pussy when sucking a dick
Boy: I'm bisexual
Girl: Ooh my brother is gay do u wanna have a threesome?
Boy: 💦💦
by HeyyBish August 12, 2019
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A bunch of whores who believe they are soo cool because they will fuck anything that walks. They love breaking up happy relationships because of what they want, they will get into relationships dealing with 2 partners. They will have sex with anybody who says "yes." And they mock homosexuality by saying they are just like them, while fucking guys and girls. Mainly just men who are afraid of coming out of the closet, and girls who want attention so desperatly that they will be in this club. Bisexuals often try to say that they are just as opressed as gays which is not true, seeing that almost every bisexual gets thier ass kissed, and cock sucked for saying they are.

Wow, Jane is a slut.
No, she's just bisexual.

by A Right to Be Hostile February 14, 2006
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