An excessively busy online room which can slow things down and sound like a beehive. (ie. a game with around 100 people in a room)
I was playing online and it was a total beehive.
by Zoomguy August 26, 2010
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The rotund shape of a fat woman's back starting from the shoulders with growing fat rolls multiplying toward her hips.
That bitch is towing a beehive!
by VegasOz September 24, 2005
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1. A large city with lots of people and traffic.
2. A big office or apartment building with 24/7 activity
As my vacation was coming to and end, I realized that it was time to go back to the Cement Beehive
by Quilly The Porcupine April 22, 2009
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A middle-aged female,typically from a small town in the American south or midwest,who is very old-fashioned yet wears more red lipstick & blue eyeshadow than a hooker,can't make a decision without a man,talks so slow that you'd have time to take a nap before they even finish one sentence,carries a huge purse nearly as big as their husband's '71 Oldsmobile,spends hours in a local 'mom-&-pop' beauty shop having their hair teased about 9" high,gossips constantly and over-uses phrases like "oh,dear!","I swear!",and "I do declare!",uses enough Aqua Net hairspray to destroy the ozone layer,and is usually married to a Dead Elvis whom she met in high school back in '59.(see Dead Elvis)
"My aunt Doris is a real Beehive Betty,she says 'dear,swear,and do-declare' at least 5 times a minute,and spends all day at Lucille's Beauty Shop!"
by sns21274 July 3, 2009
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The end result of taking a crap of heroic proportions. Manifests as a dense pile roughly conical in shape, not unlike a cartoon beehive.
"After eating about 5 pounds of potato salad I went into Thad's bathroom and dropped a chocolate beehive in his crapper."
by Scary Mike June 10, 2004
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Intentionally bent on causing trouble regardless of the consequences.
I think we should stay out of the Middle East. We're only poking the Beehive.

George Bush is a jackass. He treats the beehive like it's a piñata.
by Tumbleweed April 10, 2004
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A: Beehive with no exit
B: What??
A: Beehive with no exit.
B: What do you mean?
A: Unbeleivable.
by Bee Muncher August 19, 2023
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