
A woman, who is nasty, overbearing, mean, pompous, arrogant, a selfish busybody, aggressive, disagreeable, or any combination of these. A battleaxe is usually an older woman, and often somewhat unattractive. The standard dictionary definition does not address looks, but one seldom hears a beautiful woman being called a battleaxe, no matter how disagreeable she is.
I hate taking books back late to the library because that old battleaxe at the desk makes such a big deal of it.
by techy2 September 11, 2009
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An elderly woman who is really grumpy
by Anonymous August 3, 2003
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noun; a queer pansy. originated in the country of cambodia. quite fond of masterbating in public places.
somaly is a battleaxe
by brookepartyofone September 26, 2006
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adj. so severely, brain-shatteringly awesome that it hits you like a battle axe blow to the FACE
Y'ever seen Con Air? That movie is battleaxe!
by EmperorKO February 18, 2003
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describing a mom that doesnt let their daughter go out in public or private places alone or otherwise unless accompanied by her mom and is a control freak
Well Scott why didn't your girlfriend come down? The old Battleaxe wouldn't let her.
by Sticklee December 26, 2007
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Battleaxe Bisexual

A Bisexual who's educated in bi history and actively fights against biphobia and bi erasure. Battleaxe Bisexuals are shortened into BaBs. BaBs know that pansexuality and other mspec labels (omni/poly) originated out of awful bi stereotypes and biphobia.
Anna: Who are Battleaxe Bisexuals?
Emma: battleaxe Bisexuals are Bisexuals who fight against biphobia and bi erasure. They know that pan is the same as bi and it contributes to biphobia.
Anna: oh thanks. I support BaBs!! And so should everyone
by Seahorsefishes January 24, 2021
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Battleaxe Bisexual

battleaxe bisexuals (BaBs) are a (typically) exclusionist group of bisexual identifying people who believe that pansexuality, omnisexuality and polysexuality contribute to biphobia. some of these people typically are asexual/aromantic exclusionist, transmed, genderfluid exclusionist, and/or hate on anyone that is in the LGBTIAQ+ community that isnt specifically any of the following (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans), as they believe that the LGBTIAQ+ community is specifically for those groups of people. some of these people also threaten and harass pansexual/omnisexual/polysexual, and even other bisexual folk who are not against other m-spec labels. many BaBs tend to say that these people are not battle axe bisexual, however, this is prevalent behaviour among them

Bisexual means attraction to more than one gender, however, its a very broad term, as there are some people with preferences and others without, hence the other m-spec terms that exist specifically to narrow down said users preferences. an example, not all bisexuals are pansexuals, but all pansexuals fall under bisexual

and no, panphobia is not hate against pansexuals, its a serious anxiety disorder, use the term anti-pan (this is literally coming from a pansexual)
Tracy:"hi! i identify as omnisexual!"
Mike: "oh cool! i identify as bisexual!"
Alex: "thats awesome! i identify as pansexual!"
Samantha: "OMFG uR coNTRIBUTIng TO bIPhoBiA yOU fuCKIng rEtARds"
Mike: "ew, a BaB"
Alex: "dont mind them, theyre a battleaxe bisexual"
by Zer0Rebel4 November 9, 2020
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