1. a mental condition wherein one forgets where his balls are, usually resulting in spineless actions and mannerisms.

2. in bowling, throwing several strikes continuously, and then suddenly losing your rhythm for no apparent reason, resulting often in one if not many poor throws.
1. "bro, jerry was saying how he was gonna tell his boss off for cutting his hours, but then he contracted ballsheimer's at the last minute and didn't say shit."

2. "i don't where my A game went, man, i think i got ballsheimer's."
by xpnfx February 15, 2009
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A condition afflicted by golfers who seem unable to see where anyone else’s ball has landed except their own. Typically, the afflicted individual is the cart driver.
Once again, Steve’s ballsheimers has kicked in. He has driven directly to his own ball after teeing off; bypassing his partner’s .
by Bunnie M August 26, 2018
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When a guy forgets everything he's ever learned in the past because of a girl.
bro why are you back with her again like she never hurt you before? you got a case of ballsheimers son.
by c0dii_ September 9, 2020
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