baldylocks = name for a bald headed friend
Derived from the story book name Goldy Locks and used originally in Nottingham, 2003 by Tanner to refer to his follically challenged or shaven headed friends. First used on Jon Eames and later on Random Guy.
Derived from the story book name Goldy Locks and used originally in Nottingham, 2003 by Tanner to refer to his follically challenged or shaven headed friends. First used on Jon Eames and later on Random Guy.
by Tanner D August 2, 2004
Commonly refers to someone who has lost his/her hair from chemotherapy. Also refers to someone who has shaved his/her head to raise money for, or to support someone going through cancer treatment.
by Baldylocks October 28, 2007
Actually Baldylocks was used to refer to a kid with a shaved or buzzed head as early as the 90's on Chicago's west side.
Usually used in a teasing way when a kid came to school with a freshly buzzed head.
Usually used in a teasing way when a kid came to school with a freshly buzzed head.
by ex chicago teacher October 5, 2006
by TheLiberalsNightmare December 24, 2011
A middle aged man who is bald on top with long scraggly , split end hair that he takes pride in combing while listening to Bad Companys " Feel like making love"
by Dangen123$ June 6, 2019