Trying to take back something said or done, usally done by altering it or changing it, in an attempt to change a viewpoint or to save face. The term backpeddling refer to the motion someone does on a bike to use a brake, moving the legs in another direction, sometimes going nowhere.
1: You know I've always really liked you.
2: I have a boyfriend!
1: I didnt know you had a boyfriend. When I said I really like you I just meant you were cool and...
2: Why are you backpeddling?!
by TheTrueTranslator January 1, 2019
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Someone who says something and takes it back.

A lover who doesn't get anywhere in a relationship.

And idiot ex-boyfriend.
One way to get over your backpeddling ex-boyfriend is to delete all his pictures.

Don't backpeddle.

Your boyfriend is just a backpeddler.
by LittleLionPrincess April 18, 2011
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