I tried to talk to him, but he kept being an awktard
by Squirrellyness July 2, 2009
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an adjective used to describe someone who is awkward almost to the point of being retarded
I dumped him when I realized how awktarded he was.
by eyeseegee October 30, 2010
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A person with less than acceptable social skills who communicates in a very awkward fashion. One whom lacks common sense in social situations and causes undue awkwardness.
Person A: (in reference to a dude met on a dating app on her phone) He asked me for my number so we could talk on the phone and get to know each other better.
Person B: Did you give it to him?
Person A: No, I told him I felt more comfortable talking over email at first and asked if we could exchange email addresses instead.
Person B: Oh good, what did he say?
Person A: he said "sure what would you like to know" WTF
Person B: uhhh..so no email address?
Person A: nope!
Person B: maybe he's a social awktard
by Lula Brinkli August 23, 2013
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