if you were born on august 20 you were born to be a boss
if you were born on august 20 you a boss and ain’t nobody stopping shit PERIOD
by Booty butt cheeks October 18, 2019
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the nicest most amazing girl was born today. if she’s not already your best friend you want her to be. if she is you’re the luckiest person alive.
august 20th is _________’s birthday

wow what an amazing day

she’s so nice
by jimmycarter October 22, 2019
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the person born on this day is so hot
by jimmycarter October 22, 2019
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every girl is jealous of the girl who has this birthday.
guess who was born on august 20


you know that perfect girl

oh my gosh she’s amazing
by jimmycarter October 22, 2019
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a beautiful loving girls birthday wish her happy birthday she deserves it. she’s amazing, funny, and so nice. every boy desires her and you would be lucky to date her, or even be friends with her.
hey it’s august 20... you know what that means. it’s that girls birthday. you better wish her happy birthday she’s perfect
by jimmycarter October 22, 2019
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the guy born today will have a massive penis
________ was born on august 20

that’s why his penis is so big
by jimmycarter October 22, 2019
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