A joke usually used by cishet people to make fun of non-binary, transgender, and other LGBTQ+ gender identities. This "gender" was intentionally made to mock people who aren't cisgender.
by yaanfei August 21, 2021
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A large metal contraption that people seem to sexually identify as.
"what do you sexually identify as?"
"I identify as an Apache attack helicopter, the fek else you want?"
by Nikachu14 December 9, 2016
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The most well known sexual identity of them all, just more secretly so than male and female.
You see that one of there? They identify sexually as an Apache Attack Helicopter
by Flappy The Clown April 12, 2017
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An overbearing parent who treats all who interact with the child as if they will most certainly make a mistake and cause their child harm. As "helicopter parents" hover around the child to ensue the child is guided, the attack helicopter parent obsesses over any who come in contact with the child.
Tim's kid asked if I had candy so I gave him a stick of gum. So Tim starts raisin his voice about the kid's diet. Tim's one'a them attack helicopter parents.
by Danny Soto December 22, 2018
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Right Wing Slang: Someone generally considered a danger to children. A violent sexual predator. "A nonce".
"I identify as an attack helicopter; which is why I'm not allowed within 100m of any school."
by Phrankk December 1, 2020
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Attack/helicopter are neopronouns used by homosexual people who fully support the LGBBBTTTQQIAAAPPPNUUU+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Biromantic, Bigender, Transgender, Transsexual, Transromantic, queer, questioning, intersex, aromantic, asexual, agender, pansexual, panromantic, pangender, non-binary, unlabeled gender, unlabeled sexuality, unlabeled romantic attraction) or Alphabet Mafia, community and think every single gender, sexual, and romantic identity is valid. They are usually Non-Binary, but not always.
attack uses attack/helicopter pronouns, please respect helicopter.
by Bob button March 5, 2021
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