The ass fuckening is a multi-stage aerobic capacity fuckening that starts off dry and gets moister as you continue. The ass fuckening will begin in thirty seconds, jack off at the start. the fucking starts dry, and gets moister each time you hear this sound, squirt, a single fuckening has been completed each time you hear this sound moans. Remember fuck in the ass and fuck as long and as hard as you possibly can. The second time you fail to complete a fucking, your ass is over. The ass fuckening will begin on the word daddy, on your mark, get set, daddy.
by DannyBoiBoyo April 1, 2017
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A more aggressive way of calling someone a asshole is by adding the word fucken in the middle. Its intent is to provoke a more angry response so be ready when saying it.
That guy over there at the bar picking fights with everyone is being a ass fucken hole.
by jimmybomm March 8, 2021
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This person doesn't care about anyone else but themselves. They treat others like shit and don't care about the feelings of others as long as they get what they want.
Look at that fucken ass wipe on his cell phone racing up to the stop sign looking like he's going to blow through it. He doesn't even care that I had to slam on my brakes thinking he wasn't going to stop.
by jimmybomm June 22, 2021
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