Girls named Anha have outgoing personalities. Some are shy and some have a friendly vibe to them nothing in between. They have a talent of being good with their words and being loved by everyone they talk to.
"I just spoke to Anha and she's so nice to talk to"
"She has the best personality"
by June 1, 2020
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Akaashi Keiji’s only girlfriend and she loves samyang so much. She can eat McDonald at least 2 times in a week.
“Anha eats samyang everyday but she haven’t sick, woah she’s cool.”
Akaashi? Isn’t that Anha’s BF?”
by Themostprettysetter October 27, 2020
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East or west anha is the best.
by Aapi223 November 30, 2021
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Representation of love and beauty, but might not be either of those.
I met Anha the other day, and man she's ugly!
by brutallyhonest81 November 22, 2021
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