Ajaypal is a complicated type of person. He may come off as soft and weak, but he is one of the strongest there is. He is aware of his strength, his tough build, which is why he chooses to let it not define him. Ajaypals are tall, full of strength - with their big hands and long legs. Ajaypal is extremely attractive and don’t let it get to his head, though he does not easily fall. Ajaypal is the hardest lover there is, the deepest love. He loves once in his life, and is extremely faithful, loyal, and perfect. Ajaypal is rare. It is very rare to run into one, so if you do, look beyond his beauty, his build, and into his heart
No way you met an ajaypal ! How lucky !!
by sweetwhispers August 28, 2019
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Ajaypal Chauhan is a guy every girl wants. He is caring, lovable, humorous, and Musically talented. He has breathtaking eyes and a beautiful smile. He is a gentleman and interacts with people easily. He is a loyal friend. You can come to him with anything; he wont judge you. He is worth waiting for. Don't lose him. Ajaypal Chauhan is a guy who will always be there for you. He is loyal and the best boyfriend and is super amazing. He is a guy you couldn't live with out. Ajaypal Chauhan is cute, amazing, sweet, kind, awesome, and over all the best guy you could ever meet. You couldn't live without this Chauhan. He will always be there for you and is completley aweome. This is a guy u would take a bullet for any day. He always smells good.
"Ajaypal Chauhan is everything I ever wanted."
by Serialkisser88 March 31, 2022
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