After Grog Bog

After Grog Bog is the shit you do after a night of drinking alcohol
Angelina: I wouldn't go in there if i were you
Brad: Why's that?
Angelina: I have the worst After Grog Bog
Brad: Right, I'll give it at least half an hour
by Little Kitten January 13, 2006
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After Grog Bog

An Austrailian term for taking a big dump after a night of drinking.
Oi, hey mom, yeah college is great, I'm just having me after grog bog... how's grandma?
by Wiley H. November 6, 2011
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AGB (After Grog Bog)

The Shit you do the next day after a night out drinking. Usually stinks the fuck outta da room and leaves skids in the bowl.
Man that AGB fucken reaked
by Ross Jeffs February 23, 2004
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