Abulsoud is a person who takes care of his loved ones, he never make fun of his friend. Abulsoud is also cute, smart and funny. If he has a girlfriend, he would die for her and never cheat on her. Sometimes he is a pain in the ass, but he would turn your mood from dark to lit. He knows how to have fun. He is the one who listens to girls and solve his problems. If you have him as a friend or boyfriend, you are so lucky, and try not to lose him, you will feel sorry if you lose him from your life.
by Joe Ahmed Younes March 28, 2020
Abulsoud is a person who takes care of his loved ones. He is cute, smart and also funny. He may be a pain in the ass sometimes but he will be is always there for you. If you know an Abulsoud you are so lucky . Try to take care of him and never lose him. He is also one if the rare men who listens and never cheat on a girl. People talk to him when being angry, sad and happy. He will turn your mood upside down if you meet him.
by Joe Ahmed Younes March 28, 2020