Noun (n)- an individual that has a fluid and/or rapidly changing sexuality that fluctuates between different sexualities
I used to not feel comfortable defining myself as one sexuality, and then I learned about abrosexuals
by Dictionary User June 15, 2015
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Abrosexual is when a person’s sexual orientation changes fluidly. One day you may identify as pansexual, and then another few days identify as bisexual, and so on with other sexual orientations. Some people believe that Abrosexuals do not exist, but they are wrong. Abrosexuality is also not something you chose. It might take a while to figure out that you identify as abrosexual, but if you realise you do, don’t worry, you are completely valid.
Person 1: “Sometimes you say you are gay, other times you are bi, or pan, or something else. What are you?”
Person 2: “I’m abrosexual. My sexual orientation is fluid. What All of th orientations I told you I am, I am. Just not all the same time and they change a lot.”
by LGBTBoi August 13, 2018
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Abrosexuality is a sexuality under the LGBTQ+ Community that means that one's sexuality will change over time. It might be rapid or slow. For example, an Abrosexual could be Bisexual tomorrow then Asexual the next day.
I'm Pansexual today, thought I was Asexual, but I guess I've changed again, sometimes it's confusing being an Abrosexual.
by Sle3pyFr0g April 21, 2022
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person 1: I have a sexuality crisis like every day
person 2: you may be a watermelon
person 1:what?
person 2: the abrosexual flag looks like a watermelon
by invisible cat is not visible October 9, 2022
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a very very cool person (you now owe anybody that identifies as an abrosexual person, 100 dollars.)
Abro: i need 100 bucks desperately.
Friend: dude thats insane, i can’t help you.
Abro: but dawg, im an abrosexual!
Friend: oh pardon me im so sorry *hands over 100 dollars in cash*
by gihunsexy December 12, 2022
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A sexual orientation that describes somebody who's sexual preference changes based on different events and situations.(e.g. a bad/good encounter with a boy lowers/raises the attraction of men in general).
by licherlay July 18, 2022
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A type of bisexuality where one's preferences change frequently. An abro might be exclusively attracted to boys one day, and then girls only another. It's not a choice, but it's not a separate orientation, like pansexuality, it is a type of bisexuality.
A: Would you ever date Robyn?
B: No, I'm not really into girls right now.
A: I thought you were bi?
B: Yeah, but I'm also abrosexual.
A: Oh
by BiNotQueer May 8, 2019
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