When you ask to be excused from class to take a piss, then blow a joint in the bathroom and come back fried.
Tommy- yo man wanna take a Wiz Khalifa with me?
Jeff-whats that?
Tommy-watch, excuse me can i use the bathroom
Teacher-sure, take a hall pass
Student-*lights up for 5 min then goes back to class*
Teacher-" no more breaks for you sir
Jeff- niiicee
by Collosal October 11, 2011
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(verb) to pee; to take a piss; to take a wiz; to take a tinkle

(noun) pee; piss; urine

a more useful application of than actual reference to the ~person~ Wiz Khalifa because who actually talks about the person?
Matt: “I’ll be back in 5.. gonna Wiz Khalifa.”
Jim: “Why do you need to say that? Just say you’re gonna take a piss.”

Joe: “Can you come with me to the bathroom? I have to take a Wiz Khalifa.”
Mike: “What are you a girl? Go by yourself.”
by ludis69420 June 14, 2020
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When at the urinal, you think you have to fart, only to accidentally crap your pants.
That fast food messed me up, I was at the urinal and just wiz khalifad my drawers.
by phoenix4674 February 20, 2017
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when a chick pussy farts while going pee/ when a chick is trying to pee quietly and loudly pussy farts. Wiz Khalifa usually makes the perpetrator giggle but grosses out whoever hears it.
She knew she was better off alone in the bathroom when she took a wiz khalifa. She heard a wiz khalifa in the bathroom stall at the mall. She hoped nobody heard her wiz khalifa when she used the restroom . She giggled when she took a wiz khalifa and didn't care if anyone heard it
by Purnelle Pricklybush July 27, 2022
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To take a piss on the side of a wall during a party while puffing on a joint.
Hold my drink bitch, i gotta take a Wiz Khalifa right quick.
by abehomie71 April 24, 2011
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1) To piss out a window atop the Burj Khalifa

2) A long, voluminous piss

3) Some piss-head rapper nobody cares about
1) #41 on my Bucket List: Take a wiz khalifa

2) Dude, I just took a wiz khalifa and the urinal overflowed a lil

3) Tom: Who is this Wiz Khalifa fella? Jimmy: Some skinny ass, pre-packaged stoner/skater rapper with more tattoos than most people have skin.
by DaPhunkeeFeel1 February 20, 2013
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