Did you hear Tyler Joseph's voice on the New single? He's even better now
by JokerZB April 8, 2021
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The lead-singer of the band Twenty One Pilots, which was formed in 2009. He is responsible for the writings of the albums "No Phun Intended", "Twenty One Pilots", "Regional At Best":( RIP, "Vessel", Blurryface", and "Trench" He also wrote the 2020 quarantine anthem, "Level Of Concern".
Friend: Ay so Tyler Joseph just released a new song!!

Other Friend: OMG really?! I haven't even heard it yet and it's already a bop!!
by Clifford21 September 27, 2020
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Largest object in the known universe. So large that it can swallow 200 milky way galaxies or 1,000,000,000,000 of our own sun.
"Hey bro have you seen Tyler's forehead?"

"What the fuck do you mean have I? Of course I have, you can see it from a mile away."
by Autum's Whore 666 November 22, 2019
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tyler bestry is a tall white bloke that replicates slender man but this time he has a face and he farms for cotton and he has a 250 but there is no point because he is bas at riding and also bad at riding if you know what i mean he like a short midget named gabby or GAPPY and her bestfriend is named margret or MAGET and he farms all day
tyler bestry likes to piss off people
by your local money69 June 20, 2023
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Studies proove that males with the name Tyler love their girlfriend/wife 17 times more then they do.
tyler's-love means the amount of love tyler has for his girlfriend.
"Tyler loves his girlfriend more."
"Its impossible for Tyler's girlfriend to love him more"
by imthathotguy_IJT December 17, 2021
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