one drug in the ssri (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor) family of antidepressents. others include paxil, effexor, prozac, luvox, etc.

ssri's have *supposedly* been linked to suicides in teens. but i'm still alive and not feeling remotely depressed. though i think that therapy is working better than zoloft.

any side effects are usually gastrointestinal (i.e., throwing up, hershey squirts, etc.). but that is rare.

the emblem of zoloft is a little emotional hard-boiled egg that hops around chasing butterflies when he's happy. my friends insist he's just a ball, but i ask you, have you ever seen an oval ball?
the lil zoloft egg was depressed before he took zoloft, but now he likes chasing butterflies.
by unusu-al August 31, 2004
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Sertraline hydrochloride; used to treat depression, panic disorder, bipolar disorder, ect, by stablizing a person's levels of serotonin. Most people gain weight when they have been on this drug.
Zoloft can help many people out of a rut.
by Pink Jesus March 11, 2006
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A medicine used to treat insanity...the following quote was said by Mike Tyson in an interview on ABC TV...
"That Zoloft stuff right? I take that to keep me from killin y'all."
by Tony Montana April 24, 2004
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the period after taking zoloft for about a week when it begins to reap its horrible effects on you and filter out every negative emotion along with positive to hence the name "zombie" zoloft will literally stop u from showing any signs emotion/life at all
i was a total zoloft zombie for a while and didnt even realize it. when i finally did i quit taking zoloft for good
by themedicineman2296 July 22, 2010
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Strange head sensations, AKA "brain zaps", which is like an electrical current that you can actually see for a split second as it shoots thru your poor unsuspecting brain. Yucky nausea sensation, regardless if you eat or not, kind of like your seasick with a feeling of labored breathing. Just an uncomfortable malaise feeling from head to toe. Trouble sleeping, or not sleeping as sound as when you were taking the drug. Body aches from head to toe. Weird, vivid, violent dreams so scary they wake you up, and then you wonder to yourself, "what the heck was that?" as your trying to catch your breath and come to your senses. A feeling of "this is all hopeless" and starting, or wanting to tear up. Symptoms usually starts within 24 hours or sooner if you stop your dosage cold turkey. Not as bad if trying to taper off slowly, however you may still feel strange at times. Apparently these are signs you really do need the drug...?
Geez, I told my doctor about my crazy Zoloft withdrawal symptoms while trying to go off of it, and she calmly in a condesending way without looking at me asks, "why go off of it?".

Since I feel fine while on it, and it did help me, I've decided I'm a lifer; can't do those freaky withdrawals NO MORE dude...!
by KYanna May 7, 2007
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