While at a nude beach, your flaccid penis gets sunburnt, resembling a zebra pattern on the penis while erect.
Babe check out my exotic zebra dick!
by Dnaldz34 March 23, 2018
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Is while getting a spray tan while your dick is flaccid, once you become erect your penis is striped as a zebra.
Ever since I got Zebra Dick all of the bitches wanted my cock.
by thy nigga layne May 16, 2022
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Zebra Dick occurs after anal sex, when, upon removing the penis from the anus, one finds it striped in feces, resembling a zebra with brown stripes. Sometimes referred to as "Tiger Penis" and often occurs in conjunction with Poop Noodle
Last night, I was fucking Cindy, and upon removing my member from her club, I found out the bitch gave me zebra dick."
by Idiodyssey May 26, 2011
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a zebra dick is a dick that has been so chafed by extreme gay sex that it takes on a striped appearance, often accompanied by pustulant leakage and/or open sores.
Rob was so turned on by teh gay porn that he had he gave himself a nasty case of zebra dick.
by masterchain September 5, 2004
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