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by MLB lover 2020 April 17, 2019
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I'm bored so I made a definition for "Word."
by HeavenlyCheeseGod March 5, 2021
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A term meaning agreement and understanding between two or more persons. To prove that what you say is the truth and you can trust in what I say to you.
Do you fully understand what I am telling you? Word?
by Dophler September 24, 2008
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The word word means, a word. A words is a word. Words are often used all around the world.
by MochiYT🍵✨ January 12, 2021
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Type an example of how it’s used in a sentence... “Word”
by RevivedMo February 21, 2021
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Used instead of, "Thanks, you too" at the end of a conversation.
Person 1: "Be well, my friend."
Person 2: "Word."
by Pmoney710 March 30, 2010
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