
Because of a brand based in Romania, Wooba is now also a LIGHT FOR A SOUL.

All we need is wooba.
For better days switch on your wooba.

Home is where you can find wooba.

She gave me wooba.

He is my wooba.

For a beautiful life switch on your wooba.
by Hurricane voice January 10, 2021
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wooba wooba

A social activity which involves the nuzzling of one's nose between a ladies breasts and the vigorous shaking of one's head while loudly vocalizing the mating call of "wooba wooba".
Would you perchance be seeking to rendez-vous for tea and wooba wooba?
by Jamin G April 1, 2008
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Word for dildo that people don't know so they can't get upset when you say it around them.
If you don't shut up I'm going to slap you with a wooba!
by Melphen January 28, 2004
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booba wooba

someone who made sure their discord username number spelled out 8008
You see that booba wooba over there? I heard she obsesses over her discord username.
by Soultree March 7, 2022
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Wooba Wamba

Rabbit urine. Wobba is the rabbit. Wamba is the urine or visible feces on the floor.
I love my little bun-bun, but the wooba wamba is everywhere.
by TYMMCHN February 6, 2024
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