For times when you want to ask "who or whom", but need a fancier connotation.
"Francois dropped his caviar in the toilet."
"Whomst would do such a thing?!"
by lighting guy April 21, 2016
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Hard to explain. Basically means "who/whom" but with an implied "like I give a fuck" at the end.
Bob: "We better get out of here before the teacher catches us."
Joe: "Whomst?"
Bob: "You're right, who gives a shit?"

Suzy: "Oh look, Jane, your ex-boyfriend's at the club as well."
Jane: "Whomst?"
Suzy: "Hell yeah, girl! To hell with him."
by Mai Ainsel December 17, 2020
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A word created by the internet that, to contrary belief, is NOT in any veritable dictionary. It is an odd contraction of the words "Whom", the interrogative objective direct pronoun, and the suffix "-st", a common verb conjugation in Victorian London.
For whomst did you buy this Dalmore 62 Single Highland Malt Scotch 1942 Matheson ?

The correct usage is : For whom did you buy this Dalmore 62 Single Highland Malt Scotch 1942 Matheson ?

Or in Layman's terms, Who did you buy this Dalmore 62 Single Highland Malt Scotch 1942 Matheson for?

Remember kids, no dangling participles, and keep the preposition and question words together. :)
by Lady Macbeth221 August 3, 2017
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A more danker version of the word "who"

Longer versions: Whomst'd, Whomst'd've
by WordBoi69420 March 15, 2017
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Another way of saying who, but commonly spoken in the language of old.
Whomst dares enter ye olde tavern at this hour?
by Komedian January 31, 2017
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whomst is when someone tells you something ab someone and you don’t know who tf they are
natalie: did you see that _____ put out a new song??
madolyn: whomst?
by binch_lasagna March 26, 2019
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