A common abbreviation of Wesley/Lilah, referring to the relationship between Wesley Wyndam-Pryce and Lilah Morgan on TV's Angel.

Wesley and Lilah's relationship began in the season three finale "Tomorrow" when viewers found that the fallen ex-watcher had bed the "evil lawyer bitch queen". At first, it seemed as if their relationship completely revolved around their constant quest for dominance and control, but as season four progressed, it became quite clear that Wesley and Lilah did, indeed, have feelings for each other. To what extent these feelings extend, however, is a matter of personal opinion, as they were never seen saying "I love you" on screen, and Joss Whedon has never confirmed that they were, indeed, in love.
I wanted to smash my TV in when I bought the Angel season four boxed set only to find practically no mention of Weslah anywhere in the extra features.
by Charity December 10, 2004
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