A Webliography, according to the accepted definition, is an enumerative list of hypertext links and a gateway to the scientific sources of information on the Net, whether annotated or not. Webliographies are in fact digital equivalents of bibliographies (printed lists of information sources). Bibliographies are secondary sources among print media and Webliographies are the same on the Net.
Annotated Webliography of Humanism
by Dariush Alimohammadi February 28, 2006
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The web equivelant of a bibliography.
I need a webliography for all research done via the internet.
by Robert Abbott August 31, 2004
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A list of sources used in an essay or other formal writing that are taken from the world-wide-web.
"Hey, check out the size of my webliography.. extensive, huh?"
by Jabberwacky February 4, 2008
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