An illustration of a female (usually good looking), usually in the form of a poster, located on the walls or ceiling of bedrooms of lonely young men.
by AwEsOmE-ty March 17, 2009
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A post on a Daddy's Facebook wall that might appear innocent but it's wording portrays a troubled person with insecurities and deep-seeded jealously against the new woman in daddy's life.

The posting is meant to hurt daddy's girlfriend and cause trouble in the relationship. Usually the post will imply that daddy is still in love with her mother and that there is something going on behind the girlfriend's back.

It is a mean and passive aggressive and is a sign of someone who needs to get a life and possibly therapy and let her daddy live his own life.
Jealous of Daddy's Girlfriend Wall Posts:

"Omg I can stop cracking up listening too my parents talk on voxer there too funny. Oh Kip & Fondi what a love story."

***Kip and Fondi (or LaFonda) being "pet names" used during her parents' short, miserable marriage.***
by NotYourMama May 13, 2012
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