perceptive vision ahah

When someone sees something that is not there, and when they point it out to their friends they are bullied for the next three months
Boy - Hey that cloud looks like a gun
Friend - hah he's got perceptive vision ahah
by Bincub July 11, 2017
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when you are drunk and could hardly see.
"yo homeskillet bisquit last nite i had blur vision like a muthafucka"

"word, it seems like i always have blur vision"

"the reason i got with her was i had blur vision"

"damn that fu has the worst blur vision i have ever seen"
by smothered fries August 4, 2009
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Me: You boys keen for some vision blasters this arvo?
Boys: shit yeah!
by Lewi the fly February 23, 2019
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The super human ability to see vibrations that emanate off of human beings, animals, plants, and other natural entities.
"Woah man... I can see your aura and all of the good vibrations resonating from your soul, out of your body... I think I've got vibe vision."
by DKron October 19, 2011
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