1. An exaggeration or magnification of a problem, issue, statement, finding, facts, estimation or result.

2. An attempt to deceive others by making something seem larger,better,worse or more important than it really is or needs to be.

3. Such conduct was developed or at least perfected by the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.
There goes the President trumping up the facts again.
by My Kraken January 24, 2017
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Doubling down on a proven lie and repeating it until can't be excluded from conversation.
Can you believe he's still trumping up his inauguration crowd size.
by Dr Night February 12, 2017
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Meaning "we're screwed" or "fucked up" in a extremely bad, terrible way
"Guess who won the election?"
"Omg who?"
"Donald Trump"
"Oh shit man, we're trumped up, we trumped up real bad"
by jujujuy November 9, 2016
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To be trumped up is to suffer through aftermath of Donald Tra- I mean Donald Du- I mean Trump!
Oh, when Biden moves in the White House, he's gonna have to remove orange peel, Cheeto dust, yellow shit, and kiss marks from all ladies Trump has had affairs with. He's so trumped up.
by TrumpIsATramp November 28, 2020
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Something with dumb hair and a private jet
by sqli August 2, 2019
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When one exaggerates the facts to support a weak argument; lying
Our leader uses trumped up allegations to convince others he has a valid point.
by Ronny James July 12, 2018
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