is a web address using the most obvious play on words possible almost probably insuring that The Orange Mercenary-in-Chief has now copyrighted the words Trump, Card, Trumpcard, and Trumpcards.

The most humiliating and empty use of a teaser for a special announcement ever!

A former failed and twice impeached insurrectionist president pushing election denial lies sells online jpeg action figure cosplay cards NFT’s to his cult members for $99.00; thus proving that people over 70 don’t know how the internet actually works

Can you say screen capture, Donny? I knew that you could!!!!!!

This future failed venture was launched to coincide with the capture and extradition of Sam Bankman-Fried crypto currency Ponzi scheme perpetrator; and, Elon Musk banning journalist from Twitter because everyone knows that evil comes in threes.

It’s not ironic; it’s more like heavy handed forced coincidence.
Did you get your Trumpcard NFT’s from, yet? They are only $99.00 for pixels that you can screen capture, BUT, each time you buy one you are automatically entered into a sweepstakes to Dine with the Donald!!!!! WHAT A BARGAN!!!!!!
by Mind Hunter the Profiler December 16, 2022
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