Not a sustainable kind of rough, someone who's desperately just rough enough for long enough to claim they broke somebody's nose, and put everything they had into trying, then goes back to being as silly as they were as a kid.
He/she was too rough to be true, that's how you knew this is not who he/she is or was (as a kid growing up).
by Solid Mantis October 23, 2020
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Outroughing other people beyond any other level of roughness, unbelievably rough.
Dude, your little brother/sister is too rough to be true. I don't know who he/she is trying to be now, but it certainly isnt who he/she was growing up.
by Solid Mantis October 24, 2020
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Somebody who tries to out rough everybody else even though people that know them well know they're a clown.
He/she was too rough to be true, that must be why the music and lifestyle fizzled out of popularity.
by Solid Mantis October 23, 2020
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