Tom-man: 1.) A Tom-man is a Tomboy that has grown up and is now an adult thus changing from being a tomboy into a tom-man.

2.) A grown woman that as a child was referred to as a tomboy because of how she acted like “one of the guys” that is now a woman over the age of 18 now being an adult but still just “one of the guys” there by making the “transition” from a tomboy into a tom-man.
Charlie was such a tomboy when she was younger,always climbing trees and being rough and getting dirty, but now that she’s an adult over 18 and still doing similar things like working on cars and building stuff and getting dirty, she is now what’s called a Tom-man.
by Dr. Cowabunga May 26, 2019
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1. Tom-man is a grown up version of tomboy
2.A boyish acting little girl that grew up to be a manish acting woman.
She was such a tomboy growing up, that it's no surprise to me that she is a tom-man.
by PheDOMenal September 14, 2007
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A female that was a tomboy as a little girl and is now a grown-ass woman hence Tom-man butch
she was such a tomboy growing up, i'd knew she'd turn out to be a tom-man
by TopDyke August 10, 2007
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An absolute legend in the underground scene, and one of the most versatile artists that exists. He can sing, rap, play video games, stream, and do all of that AT THE SAME TIME. Everyone needs to listen to him.
Person 1: Oh my god bro, have you heard the new Tom the Mail Man song?
Person 3: Who's Tom the Mail Man?
Person 1 & 2: Let's show our homie how fire this man is
by 2extra May 11, 2021
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