Time and place

Time and place means a time and area to meet up at and beat the living shit out of someone
"Time and place jarek"
by Ur a fat smelly nonce July 8, 2019
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name a time and place

he wants you fr fr.

he’s most likely being flirty with you, or he likes you.

he wants you to state a time and place for yous to do something
*sends pump pic*

her- “respectfully, choke me

him- “name a time and place”
by alekssssandraaasaaa December 2, 2022
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Time and place

A specific time and place where some little fag named jarek can get his shit rocked by a big man named Chad. Probably by a large bridge so then chad can throw jarek off and watch him squirm around in the water with his broken arms and legs. Or at a zoo at 1 a.m. so then Chad can throw jarek into a pit of snakes. Or at ionia middle school so then Chad can have his goon caleb neeley beat jarek up at 8 a.m.
Chad: Hey jarek, time and place

Jarek: I'll pass bud
by Nubemaster69 July 8, 2019
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time and place friend

A time and place friend is a friend that exists only within a specific time frame and at a specific place, and in any other scenario that friendship would not have formed. Usually in the context of traveling abroad or being in a novel situation.
Charlotte and Bob, who were as different as night and day, met in Tokyo by happenstance and became time and place friends.
by phrmashwrma November 26, 2023
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