
A small town in the middle of Michigan, right smack dab between Grand Rapids and Lansing. (About a half-hour to hour via I-96 depending on traffic from either town.) These Michiganders are know well for their annual free fair. Odd things about this town is that the theater is supposedly haunted along with many abandoned house scattered around the town. If you talk with most anyone from this town they will come off as cold and shy but if you know them they are very warm-hearted, perverted, and crack some joke that their high school teacher told them. There are generations of people that live there and everyone feels like family except for the outsiders who just moved as they tend to pick on the people who have been there forever. Also there are rumors that the Vocal Music groups secretly run a cult during school.
"So I met someone from Ionia yesterday, she was so cold and talked in a monotone voice."
"Oh yeah, I grew up in Ionia, loved it there everyone was so kind and helpful. I really should go back one day and visit my family."
by SecretlyACultest March 6, 2016
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going to Ionia

Yeah, tonight Brittany and I are going to Ionia. Score!
by cheeseandpeas December 13, 2010
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Ionia Michigan

Piece of shit town where people do nothing but whine and bitch and complain about people and spread rumors and be mean to one another. Some good people came outta there, though.
Person 1: "Jesus, did you see that chick from Ionia Michigan?"

Person 2: "Christ, yeah, she was doing NOTHING but talk about other people."
by Yuki-is-teh-bestest January 23, 2009
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Ionia skank

These bitches ain't your typical skank that suck dick for a 1/4 gram and a ride home. These bitches will suck your dick in a car and still walk home.
Hey did you notice who Butler "the legend" had in his truck?
Knowing him probably one of those Ionia skanks. He just loves them bitches
by The motherfucking Legend January 23, 2024
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