A term given to anybody that has an extreme love of the movie Titanic. While some may see it as an obsession, Tifanics understand that their love is a lifestyle and embrace it wholly. The term Tifanic was created on Twitter in April of 2012 by @TitanicLivesOn and has become widely used by all who share the same passion.
A group of Tifanics watching Titanic together recited every line and cried when Jack died.
by GracefulTifanic247 February 8, 2013
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An extremely rare spelling of the name Tiffany. The name Tifane is a girl's name. The origin is Greek and means God appears to her. The name Tifane, is the 59614th most popular baby name at mybaby.net.au placing it in the top 79% of names on that site. Tifane is a one of a kind girl who is very shy and does not talk so much. Her main interests are the performing arts and music. She has a very beautiful inner beauty and also outer beauty. She loves to be appreciated. But does not like to be the center of attention. She loves to be loved and loves to be in relationships. No guy could ever resist her.
Man, did you hear that Tifane? She has an amazing voice.

Yes, I did. And she is very beautiful too.
by teamgators June 23, 2010
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