The smallest unit of speech.

Can be used to discuss a number of bois in either spoken or written form.
Person 1: How do I describe all these sounds I'm making?

Person 2: I believe that those noisy bois are words my good fellow
by Haizley18 February 12, 2018
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Type an example of how it would be used in a sentence

by culkie August 21, 2018
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A term most prevalent during the 1980's and 1990's that is a colloquialism simply meaning "I acknowledge your statement as true or meaningful". Commonly followed by "brother".
Now, it is often used ironically by children on the internet to mock those who are older than them, even though they themselves have no idea what aforementioned seniors are talking about.
1.) (In 1980, in response to a friend's comment on a woman's ass) "Word, brother."
2.) Some cringy-ass freshman: *throws up double peace signs* "Word, mah brotha!" *Laughs like an autistic hyena with his equally cringy friends*
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